Matthew with cousins Karen, David and Andrew.

First snowman.
Well, we've been back home almost as long as we were in Khmelnytskyi, going back and forth to the orphanage. When we put things in that perspective, we realize how quickly the boys are adjusting to their new lives in America. We are still exhausted and overwhelmed, but, in between screaming fits and threats of "No cookies for you!", we find a lot to laugh about. True, the boys take up just about all of our time, but we ask ourselves what was so important that we are no longer doing? During the week, the boys and Mama generally get out every day. There is a whole world out there we are discovering - Gym Kids, Tots & Tunes, Story Time. A highlight this week was a wonderful play date with our neighbors, Connor and Tyler. We had a great time at their house! Today, Babushka (aka "Grandma") came to visit and babysat while Mama went out for a bit. We can't wait for her to come back!
Big doings are in store for next week. Matthew starts Pre-K on Tuesday. He will be going to St. Brigid School in West Hartford and is very excited. We are counting down the days on the calendar, and Matthew wears his uniform shirt all the time (unless Mama is soaking it to get the spaghetti sauce out). The school has been very accomodating and even suggested that Matthew start off attending just two days a week. Matthew is working hard on his ABC's, to help get up to speed with the other kids.
As for Thomas, he is dealing with a little head cold. Other than a lot of really disgusting gunk coming out of his nose, it doesn't seem to be affecting him. He's singing away.
We had an interesting visit with an acquaitance of our neighbor's, a young woman from Ukraine, who chatted with Matthew and Thomas in Ukrainian. After asking each of the boys a few questions, she shared with us that Matthew and Thomas are happy to be in America. They do miss Ukraine (more so Matthew), but are pleased with their new home, Mama & Papa, and America in general. It's all good.
Have a great weekend!