Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Work-Life Imbalance

This photo of Boston at night was taken during Mama's recent trip to attend a one-day seminar. Back in the day ... I used to travel quite often for business. This was the first time I had been away over-night, by myself, since Matthew and Thomas joined the family. Actually, they were not very far away, since they rode up with me and had a sleep-over at their cousins' house, about 1/2 hour away.

I'd like to reflect a bit on what went on during my big get-away. I was in the middle of delivering six classes at work, in the course of a week; Papa was out of town on businesss -- again!; Matthew was sick and banned from KinderCare, due to a fever; a tornado ripped through our neighborhood and our power was out for three days; Thomas and Mama got sick, too. And, Michael Jackson died that day.
If I sound like I'm complaining, I am. It's been a rough stretch and Papa is away again. BUT -- I am so thankful to everyone who came to our aid. I put lots of S.O.S. signals out there and nobody said "no". Thank you!!!