Sunday, January 20, 2008

We're Here

Well, we made it. Ellen probably got 3 hrs sleep on the plane and I got 2. We waited an hour at the airport for our ride to show up and had a long ride into and around town.

We're in a modest apartment that is clean and more than adequate. Time for sleep. More later. GO GIANTS!


Anonymous said...

Glad you made it! However, there's a different football team we're rooting for today.

Timmy, Susan, Meghan, Kaitlin, and Bridget said...

We are happy you two made it there safely and we hope the room is nice! Hopefully the food is good Ukrainian food (whatever that is like)! Take lots of pictures!!!
Love, Meghan

Gregory said...

Go Giants????????? GO PATRIOTS!

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it! We've been thinking about you guys a lot! It's probably night right now where you are. I love this website, it's so cool! Love, Moira

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it safely and hope you are getting caught up on your rest before your busy weeks ahead.

Mary Schatz said...

Sounds like a very good beginning to a wonderful endeavor - stay warm and safe, and I agree with Gregory, Go Patriots!! Keep us posted!!