Matthew and Thomas are doing great. They both love school and have made many friends. Having been home just over 3 months, it's amazing all they have learned. They figured out pretty early on that it was useless trying to communicate with Mama and Papa in Ukrainian, so they have been picking up English very quickly. In fact, they even speak English to each other. Since Thomas is so young and his language skills were not as fully developed, he seems to really be taking off with his English. We can't help but be taken aback when he says things like "Look at that, over there" or "You found it!". When we were leaving a party a couple of weekends ago, Matthew said to one of the other guests, "Nice to meet you."
The boys thoroughly enjoyed the Memorial Day holiday and Matthew keeps talking about how he will be marching in a parade one day soon and will be sure to throw lots of candy our way. Other big news in our house is that Mama returned to work this week, part-time. After 16 weeks of family leave, it felt good to get back to a bit of my former life. It's great seeing all my friends and colleagues at Aetna again, too.