Thursday, January 24, 2008


We had a nice visit with the boys tonight. It was the first time Nickolai showed signs of ever tiring, and Andrei told us he had to go to the bathroom - a most encouraging sign.

While we consider things inexpensive,and gas is only a little more than at home, we must remember that salaries here are meager.

A couple things of note are that you must pay for the plastic bag at any store unless you bring your own. Another is the lighting. If there are 4 ceiling fixtures, 1 will be lit, 2 at most. Everywhere at night is dim.


Anonymous said...

We are so happy for all of you! We look forward to the pictures and updates..... Bill and Nancy

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the adoption!I never knew that they made you pay for plastic bags!I am looking foward to seeing you and the kids.


Anonymous said...

We can't wait to see you and the boys. Can you send more pictures?
Do the boys like to play? Are you eating a lot of new foods where you are? Have fun
