Friday, February 29, 2008


Mama's first week as a solo stay-at-home Mom is in the books. Whew!! Highlights of the week include the infamous visit to the pediatrician, story-time at the library, the pre-school interview circuit and welcomed visits from family and friends. Breakfast is no sooner over than Matthew is lobbying to pile into the Jeep to get out and about. Thomas goes with the flow, for the most part, as long as it doesn't cut into his nap time.

The transformation of Chris' cave into a playroom has been a great help in giving the boys a place of their own to throw their toys around in. We look forward to being able to spend more time outside. Hopefully, Spring is not too far away.

Overall, the boys are doing great. Matthew counts to 10 (although he usually skips the "8") and is up to G in the alphabet. When I asked him to show me a number in one of their books tonight, he pointed and said "this one". Yes, he said that in English. Thomas can sing most of "Twinkle, Twinkle" by himself. They really are little sponges.

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